Tuesday 8 October 2013

Smoke and Mirrors

So, my last post was about looks over personality. Well, this time I am wondering...do we show out true personalities? or do we put on an act appropriate to our situations or backgrounds?

Sometimes we might not show our true colours to gain friendships and follow the act whenever we are around our friends. We will follow the leader of the groups example and act more like them so they will like us more. Some people may fear being out casted from a certain group for being different. This can be linked to peer pressure of some form. But others may hide their true selves to protects others...or themselves. For example if you had problems with anger, you wouldn't want people to know about it and you fear that you will hurt someone if they got close to you. So, you put on a happy act keep everything locked away in the mind.
Most people can say that they can truly be themselves at home, where there is no one around to watch your stage performance.
So the point is, can we really trust someone's personality?
I have met a few people recently at uni, they seem o.k at first, but there is just a feeling I get that they are putting on an act. Maybe it is natural to try make an effort to please. Too much effort to be yourself because in uni you have to make friends or be isolated throughout the year until you move out then move in with different people for the next year. But that is the thing, everyone is so worried about making friends and not being alone they are putting on a nice act. Sometimes it isn't a nice act but a playful, cocky act...usually guys you mess around. Maybe it is their true selves or they are being typical boys putting on a show to be top dog. I can never be sure. But there are also those who put on the isolated act and seem like they want to be left alone. Those are usually the ones with a darker past they don't want repeated, not wanting to be hurt again. Sometimes their silence cries out for someone just to notice them and make an effort to try and get to know them. They will but on a strong act to keep people away when all they really want is someone to be there for them for once.
Always keep an open mind and don't judge anyone too quickly. xXx

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