Saturday 5 October 2013

Are looks really everything? Does personality matter?

This is a subject I am always frustrated with and it's about time I let it all out really. I took Media Studies in A level and I am currently studying Film and Television at University, so this is a topic I usually come across and is an everyday frustration for me.

In the Media it is always the more attractive ones that get more coverage. The example I can think of right now is in the band Fall Out Boy. Usually in bands the singer is the front man, but with Fall Out Boy it is the bassist, Pete. He isn't the most attractive person ever but within the band he is. Some may disagree if having different taste, but this is the overall opinion. Front men are usually the singers though; Billie Joe Armstrong, Oli Sykes, Chris Motionless, Andy Biersack, Matt Tuck, Ronnie Radke, Jocoby Shaddix, Matt Shadows etc etc. Most of the time they are the most attractive within the band attracting fans with looks rather than the music. In my opinion it should be the music what matter because that is what they are doing...creating music, that is their job.
Does personality really mean anything anymore? There is a stereotype for rock starts that they play music, do drugs, sleep with whoever they want and treat fans like shit...but that is what they are famous for. Miley Cyrus is an example. Her songs even include the home truths of doing coke in the bathroom. Small children look up to her from her Hannah Montana days and her father is highly respected in the music industry. She looks a mess, she has come off the rails...yet she is still famous and people like her.There are so many stars in the Media industry who are terrible with no personality what so ever. But, because they look amazing and attractive, they still get fame, fans and fortune.
This happens to everyday people too. Not the fame and fortune, but the so called "fans". Attractive people get all the attention. I can not count how many times I've been out and seen attractive people get all the action. They can be complete assholes but people will fall all over themselves for them. It is frustrating. Maybe I find it frustrating because I am not very attractive myself and no one really gives me a second glance. All my life I have watched those I have admired go for these so called "beautiful" people. They could be complete bitched, but, because they look hot it didn't matter. Right now I have the same problem every time I go out. I either see people making out all over the dance floor...or my skinny and pretty friend gets pulled. It is every time I go out and now it is just annoying. But, like I said, it could be frustrating for me because I'm not good enough. But within the Media it is very much true that looks come before anything in the industry of Music, Film and Television...unless they are a stereotype that is meant to be less attractive. xXx

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