Tuesday 8 October 2013

Smoke and Mirrors

So, my last post was about looks over personality. Well, this time I am wondering...do we show out true personalities? or do we put on an act appropriate to our situations or backgrounds?

Sometimes we might not show our true colours to gain friendships and follow the act whenever we are around our friends. We will follow the leader of the groups example and act more like them so they will like us more. Some people may fear being out casted from a certain group for being different. This can be linked to peer pressure of some form. But others may hide their true selves to protects others...or themselves. For example if you had problems with anger, you wouldn't want people to know about it and you fear that you will hurt someone if they got close to you. So, you put on a happy act keep everything locked away in the mind.
Most people can say that they can truly be themselves at home, where there is no one around to watch your stage performance.
So the point is, can we really trust someone's personality?
I have met a few people recently at uni, they seem o.k at first, but there is just a feeling I get that they are putting on an act. Maybe it is natural to try make an effort to please. Too much effort to be yourself because in uni you have to make friends or be isolated throughout the year until you move out then move in with different people for the next year. But that is the thing, everyone is so worried about making friends and not being alone they are putting on a nice act. Sometimes it isn't a nice act but a playful, cocky act...usually guys you mess around. Maybe it is their true selves or they are being typical boys putting on a show to be top dog. I can never be sure. But there are also those who put on the isolated act and seem like they want to be left alone. Those are usually the ones with a darker past they don't want repeated, not wanting to be hurt again. Sometimes their silence cries out for someone just to notice them and make an effort to try and get to know them. They will but on a strong act to keep people away when all they really want is someone to be there for them for once.
Always keep an open mind and don't judge anyone too quickly. xXx

Saturday 5 October 2013

Are looks really everything? Does personality matter?

This is a subject I am always frustrated with and it's about time I let it all out really. I took Media Studies in A level and I am currently studying Film and Television at University, so this is a topic I usually come across and is an everyday frustration for me.

In the Media it is always the more attractive ones that get more coverage. The example I can think of right now is in the band Fall Out Boy. Usually in bands the singer is the front man, but with Fall Out Boy it is the bassist, Pete. He isn't the most attractive person ever but within the band he is. Some may disagree if having different taste, but this is the overall opinion. Front men are usually the singers though; Billie Joe Armstrong, Oli Sykes, Chris Motionless, Andy Biersack, Matt Tuck, Ronnie Radke, Jocoby Shaddix, Matt Shadows etc etc. Most of the time they are the most attractive within the band attracting fans with looks rather than the music. In my opinion it should be the music what matter because that is what they are doing...creating music, that is their job.
Does personality really mean anything anymore? There is a stereotype for rock starts that they play music, do drugs, sleep with whoever they want and treat fans like shit...but that is what they are famous for. Miley Cyrus is an example. Her songs even include the home truths of doing coke in the bathroom. Small children look up to her from her Hannah Montana days and her father is highly respected in the music industry. She looks a mess, she has come off the rails...yet she is still famous and people like her.There are so many stars in the Media industry who are terrible with no personality what so ever. But, because they look amazing and attractive, they still get fame, fans and fortune.
This happens to everyday people too. Not the fame and fortune, but the so called "fans". Attractive people get all the attention. I can not count how many times I've been out and seen attractive people get all the action. They can be complete assholes but people will fall all over themselves for them. It is frustrating. Maybe I find it frustrating because I am not very attractive myself and no one really gives me a second glance. All my life I have watched those I have admired go for these so called "beautiful" people. They could be complete bitched, but, because they look hot it didn't matter. Right now I have the same problem every time I go out. I either see people making out all over the dance floor...or my skinny and pretty friend gets pulled. It is every time I go out and now it is just annoying. But, like I said, it could be frustrating for me because I'm not good enough. But within the Media it is very much true that looks come before anything in the industry of Music, Film and Television...unless they are a stereotype that is meant to be less attractive. xXx

Friday 4 October 2013

Why is Media important? Would we survive without it?

In today's society, Media has become an everyday cultural thing. It is always there in forms of newspapers, television, advertisements, magazines and in the many ever-growing forms of the Internet. It is almost impossible to ignore as the technology that we are surrounded by grows and becomes more advance and easier to use and carry around everywhere we go.
But we study the Media to investigate what attracts different people to the content of Media and how it effects them. Through these studies we can find the age groups of the viewers, their cultural background, what working class they are in etc.
Also through studying the Media we can look at who creates these many different types of content in the Media and who they plan to specifically target. We can find what attracts certain audiences and why they are so attracted to that form of Media and what use it has to the target audience. For example it could be just for social interaction, sitting and watching television with friends or family, or having something to talk about in day to day lives. We can see how audiences get attached to certain Media as if forming a relationship with the content. There is so much we can learn through studying Media and this helps when working on our own pieces to see what we can possible do with Media and how we can improve.
Another thing about social Media is that it can be very addictive. For example, Facebook is commonly used and most people can not stop using it and it has become as important to them like food and drink. They will constantly check if they have any notifications, inbox messages...or simply be addicted to the many games available on Facebook. It can be like this with other social networks too. But Media has been a part of people's lives for many years, it has become almost a necessity. Internet seems to be the most important to many people's lives. Business' can revolve around the Internet use, information is found on the Internet about pretty much everything and it is a great form of entertainment. Television is also a form of entertainment that even parents enjoy to keep the children quiet. Plus, there are so many forms of gaming that a lot of age range of people use and so many platforms such as Xbox, Wii, Play Station etc etc. These platforms also grow and become newer and better...and more expensive.
So, What would happen if they all just disapeared?
Could we as humanity survive? Without the knowledge of the Internet, the joys of gaming and television, social networking sites....all these disappear and I personally think that we would not be able to handle it. Maybe in some countries where they had little Media use to start with, maybe they will be o.k. But In the UK, America and countries with major Media use...will we survive? Will we be able to live on and get used to having none of these luxuries? Will it be better for us if we lived life like back in the old days?

Uni Starters

So, I have been at Uni for a good two weeks now. First week however is known as Freshers week, where us freshers go around and simply drink every night! It is not required, but most students seem to do it. For me it was a goal I had to achieve as I never go out much.

Starting Uni and moving to a new place is always a bit scary but after a while you do kinda get used to it. I was the very first person to move into my flat. In our student building there are 9 flats. A few people had already moved into the other flats, but I was the only one in mine for a while. Since I had a good few hours on my own, I took advantage of the time to claim kitchen spaces and look around to get a good feel for the place. My bedroom was way bigger than the little box of a room I had at home, I also got a great sea view!
Some Uni residencies had ridiculous sized rooms though. Tiny rooms with no space to walk, like prison cells. I guess I was just lucky. But my advice is, when you move in claim a kitchen space and part of the fridge. When you're the first in the flat it is a lot easier ha ha.
Another tip would be to keep your door open. When your flatmates finally arrive they can see you and that way you seem more open and sociable. I got to know my flatmates really quickly by doing that. Also, go look around the other flats. Don't just stick to your own flat. Look around the building and meet more people that you are sharing it with. On my first day before my flatmates arrived the top floor people came down and asked me to go out around town with them so we can check out what the best places for a great night out are. You always want to check out the nightlife, you will be living there for quite a while and you are always going to want to unwind a little bit after doing work.
Another thing you have to do is know your limits or you will make a fool of yourself. The flats upstairs get wasted and do stupid things and no one invites them out anymore. Also, don't be a prick to people in your building, that's just not cool and it pisses a lot of people off. Don't try be the king of the building because no one will like you and you will have less fun.
When cleaning is concerned, it is always good to share the responsibility. Don't just leave it to other flatmates to clean your stuff. That will piss them off. Cover all duties of the flat between you and switch duties every week so one person isn't doing the toilet every week until the end of the year. That is just not fair on anyone.
Last but not least, respect your flatmates. If you come in late after a night out please respect their sleep as they might have lectures in the morning. Even if they don't, be quiet. No one likes being woken up late at night. Do not enter their rooms unattended and without permission, respect their privacy.
The rest of the stuff you have to do for Uni should be simple and obvious. Just make friends, don't be a prick to people, share responsibilities and don't hog the shower! xXx