Sunday 25 August 2013

Music Review: Lady Gaga - Applause

Click For Lady Gaga - Applause Video

I watched this video the other day and first of all I must say...I love Lady Gaga. She is weird and wonderful which has always been inspiring to me. I love weird and wonderful people, for example Marilyn Manson.

This video is creative, Gaga really went all out on her outfits and dance routine. Gaga has not done a video or a song in a while and I was looking forward to it. The video lay out was cool and it was so random and really grabs attention. The only thing I am unsure about is the style. I know it is good for an artist to change styles to keep up with audiences. With her other hit songs it was simple to sing a long and understand what she is saying. With this song it is more of a dance song than something you can sing along to. That is not a bad thing but personally I like to sing along to the songs I like (even though I can not sing at all). The part with Gaga's head on a black swan is kind of creepy, yet creative. I love her costume designs and how she puts everything she has into her music. She has so much energy and focus. How she has put everything together is amazing as always. That is all have have to say about it because it is another Gaga hit with a change to style with a lot more energy. I love Gaga and hope she continues to share her creativity xXx

University: DON'T PANIC!

I have not posted anything in a while, so I thought I would talk a bit about the scare we all get at some point in our lives..."What am I going to do with my life?!". Some of us worry about this later rather than later, but there a lot of teenagers that worry about what they are aiming for in life and what happens after they finish school. Some may just leave school and get a job, others go off to University/College.

I don't know how it works in America and other countries, but in the UK we have two years in Sixth Form where we chose four subjects to take for AS/A levels. Most student find this time stressful because they want to get the best grades to get the UCAS points required for the University they want to go to. It does depend on what University they want to go to because all Universities have different expectations and standards when it comes to grades and UCAS points. The two years of Sixth Form is different for each individual. Some take their work more seriously than others and some may work better in some of their subjects than the rest. I personally preferred my more creative subjects. I had originally chosen History, Drama, Media Studies and Philosophy. I dropped History after three months because I could not keep up with everyone else and I knew I would not be able to do well in the exams. Media Studies was interesting and I found it more fun because I can be creative and do what I want while improving my skills. Drama was fun although I was shy. It helped me be more confident a little bit. Philosophy was interesting to begin with, but in my second year it got too much as the work doubled and was going through personal things at the time which effected my attendance. So I had to drop it in my second year or I would lose my B that I had from my first year. From my other two subjects I had Cs. I did my media coursework again for a higher grade. I only started to worry towards the end of my second year. I was only doing two subjects and I did not think I would get enough UCAS points to get into Aberystwyth University because it was asking for 300-320 points. My second Uni choice was Camarthen University which only asked for 180 points. But I didn't even think I would get that so I was worried. When I had my results I had C's from Media and Drama and still had last years B from Philosophy. All together it was 210 points. As I was getting my result I had a text message from Aberystwyth University saying I was accepted. The Universities were accepting people on lower grades because the exam marks have gotten tighter and it was becoming harder to get high grades.

So, the point is, do not worry too much about Universities and if you are going to get in and if you ware good enough. I have to admit, I was worried before my results because I did not even think I was good enough for my second choice Uni that had a lower standard. Now I have been accepted 100 points off the required points and I will be joining one of the best Universities in the UK. I will be doing what I love and getting the qualifications I need to get a job I will enjoy. Do not worry so much about results because everything works out if you have tried. It is true if you don't do the work and don't bother with anything then you won't be fit for University. For those who care about their future and want to get into Uni just stay calm, do the work, revise for the exams and wait for results. Do not over-think things and wait patiently for the time to come when you get the result then sort out what you are going to do. If you have tried and done the work then everything will work out as it is meant to be. DON'T PANIC LIKE I DID! Because you will see in the end you spent all the time worried about nothing. xXx